
"The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere."

-- Barack Obama

Embracing The Green Routine: Transforming Sustainability Into A Daily Lifestyle.

Aug 25, 2023

Do you live a sustainable lifestyle? We’ve spoken about  what it means to be sustainable in business, but sustainability can become a lifestyle built around green habits and routines....

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Sustainable Finance Strategies: Mobilizing Resources For A Greener And More Sustainable Future

Aug 25, 2023

As the world’s attention turns to tackling the climate crisis and making the overdue, critical shift to carbon net-zero, awareness of sustainability initiatives and the role that financial...

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Supply Chain Sustainability: A Key To Achieving An Organizationā€™s Climatic Goals

Aug 18, 2023

In recent times, climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges threatening human existence. With the 2015 Paris Agreement, governments around the world...

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Green Profits: The Power Of ESG Integration For Insurers In Investment Strategies.

Aug 11, 2023

Businesses that prioritize eco-conscious practices, such as resource management, waste reduction, supply chain optimization, and renewable energy, can generate green profits. These profits are...

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Sustainable Resource Mobilization Strategies For Climate Change Adaptation Projects

Aug 11, 2023

The world is unequivocally warming. Despite accounting for only 3% of global carbon dioxide emissions, Africa will be the most afflicted region on the planet. According to the recent report from...

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Capacity Building For Sustainable Growth: Supporting African Businesses To Access Sustainable Finance For Green Initiatives.

Aug 04, 2023

As African policymakers and private sector officials assemble in September for the Africa Summit, the subject of sustainable financing will definitely be at the top of the agenda. Sustainable...

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Interests and ideas of employees are of great importance

Sep 27, 2022


Any employer can improve employee morale, raise productivity, and increase profitability just by having a chat with the staff. You might actually find lots of skills that have unforeseen...

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Dealing with change

Sep 14, 2022

Change in the workplace interferes with established work practices, team members, job roles, or particular job responsibilities. For any firm to remain relevant and competitive, change adaptation...

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Problem solving in the workplace

Sep 08, 2022

Identifying problems and solving them amicably is a critical element in any organization. When faced with a problem, people frequently take three actions: they become frightened or uneasy and wish...

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Attaining self improvement

Aug 12, 2022

Self-improvement is a lifelong process of developing oneself. It has given me the privilege of getting to know myself better, dealing with my issues, and getting to know others better and relating...

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