The power of decision making

Oct 14, 2021

If something I would say is underrated yet vital in running almost everything in this life is decision-making and its power. The world we live in today has been shaped by decisions. Even God himself made a decision to create the universe.

So no one ought to look down on the power of decision making. In every level of life, be it a student or a teacher, an employer or an employee, a kid or an adult, at some point, all must crop up at the decision making spot and making that move will be inevitable. A decision will have to be made, whether good or bad.

I am a lover of books. I have read some of the worst and best decisions ever made by mankind and can confidently say that decision making is a subtle process. Therefore, it should be looked at with the seriousness it deserves for individuals to pull the right moves when that hour of reckoning pops up.

People fear making wrong decisions and the reverberations that follow after that. This has caused many to suffer decision paralysis, which pushes many not to make any decisions. Again, this is dreadful since not making a decision is equivalent to making a wrong decision. It reminds me of the famous Michelle Obama quote, “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen”.

We are subjected to making decisions about many things. These could be personal, medical, financial, romantic, legal, and many more. Therefore, there are a lot of factors to consider before making any decision. It may depend on the situation at hand, and it is essential to note that factors towards making the right choices vary depending on the situation’s dynamics.

On the many aspects towards making the right decisions, you will not miss these three in my daybook:

Intuition- This is one of the most effective decision-making tools I consider before making any decision. It is prudent to sit in a quiet place and intensely listen to yourself, the inner you, and the kind of feelings that arise towards the decision you make.

Cost- I know you are already thinking about money. Yes, you are right, but it also adds time and energy. The decision you are about to make will cost you. Decisions are usually very costly in the scenario that the wrong ones are made.

Relationships- Whether you are in a relationship or single, live alone, or with a family of ten, whether you have kids or no kids, employed or unemployed, your decisions significantly affect the people closest to you.

Recently I was tasked with introducing a new product to my organization, and the factor of cost played a significant role in the decision that was agreed upon. So, the next time you are challenged by making a tough decision, just be slow on it, take your time and consider all the necessary aspects, not forgetting a decision could be a judgment.


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